Saturday, September 20, 2008

Paving a Path to the Best Future

I have been on a path in my life that has led to my decision to run for a city office. From being a school volunteer to starting a Neighborhood Watch in our area, I have a passion to do what is necessary to improve the quality of life around me. I especially enjoy bringing people together and encouraging them to find out what their best can be. I have been a consistently active volunteer for the community.

The issues I am supporting are in line with our city’s strong vision toward economic development: public safety of our people, keeping neighborhoods at a high level, and strong schools. Our city needs the highest rating in these areas to attract people to live in our city.

As new industry is attracted to NLR with the accompanying new residents-we need to keep raising the high level of police and fire protection that these great departments have been providing. This will only be done by continuing the current course of raising salaries and ensuring that the highest quality recruits want to come and be among North Little Rocks “finest”. We need to frequently strike the “refresh key” to seek solutions for the ever changing safety issues facing NLR. Everyone wants to live in the safest city.

When new residents come they will look closely at neighborhoods and the street appeal of areas. We want them to choose to live in NLR. Recently the city has adopted a more aggressive course to identify and condemn houses that are part of the process that bring blight to an area. This is a great start to managing the problem of deteriorating neighborhoods. We can’t stop there as we need to find a way to prevent houses from getting to the point of condemnation.

Changing the course of one deteriorating house can be a strong step to changing the course of a neighborhood. Other U.S. cities face these same issues and various solutions are being applied such as identifying and registering vacant houses.

Neighborhood groups can have a strong role in steering the course of their area and ultimately the city. I would propose a round table, think tank or even a commission of neighborhood leaders who could help define needs and research solutions.

Street and drainage issues continue to be an area we need to be evaluating and planning to upgrade. Attitudes toward litter need to be changed and a new educated and aware view needs to be adopted. North Little Rock can choose new directions.

Looking to the future we need to provide all we can to ensure a great services and education for our youth. Their challenges and rewards go hand in hand with our city’s. Potential new residents closely examine schools for their performance in testing as well as their physical buildings. I know firsthand the excellence of our school district as two of my children were National Merit Finalists. We need to push on diligently to keep this standard. Everyone wants their children in the best schools.

Ward 1 is an eclectic blend of culture and landscape that gives it great strength. It mirrors our all of our city areas in uniqueness. Here, many adults return to their childhood neighborhoods to raise their families. The diversity of ages in the population gives richness to the area. There is a very special neighbor on my street who will be 100 this year.

I have communicated much here because I am passionate to say what is in my heart about our great city. The balance I bring to North Little Rock comes from my commitment of serving on the community level with eyes and ears open to respond and lead at all levels.

New directions need new leaders who are prepared to communicate and respond. I have been a capable, communicative and consistent volunteer in the community. I am confident that I will carry these abilities with me as Alderman for NLR Ward One.

National Night Out - 2008

From National Night Out - 2008

National Night Out – 2008

WHERE: Glenmere Road
(Both ‘sides’ of the median!)

WHEN: Tuesday, August 5th
6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

WHO: You and your family!

We’re celebrating National Night Out, with an evening of neighborly fun (eat, walk, and talk!) for residents on Glenmere.

Do you want to participate by hosting a “snack” to share with your neighbors? We are changing the format to having all food on the lower level in the driveways of several houses.

The “Broadway Stars” will again come for a dance and musical presentation!

Police, Fireman, NLR City Government and Departments are invited.

Target will be sponsoring our event and we will have food, prizes and gifts to give away this year.

Our first ever LNG Dog Show will be held during this event. Please bring your leashed dog for the fun. Here are the categories for the competition:

1. Best Kisser
2. Best Tail Wager
3. Best Barker
4. Owner/Dog Look Alike
5. Best Trick
6. Smallest Dog
7. Largest Dog
8. Best Smile
9. Best Coat
10. Miss or Mr. Congeniality

The purpose of National Night out is to heighten community awareness and to strengthen participation in local anti-crime efforts. We on Glenmere support this goal, and also want to encourage neighbors to get together.

Everyone, please turn your front porch lights on between 7:00 and 10:00!

Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Tom and Beth White

Luminaries - 2007

From Luminaries - 2007

~ Glenmere Christmas Luminaries ~

Christmas Luminaries on Glenmere will be on Thursday, December 20th from 7:00 to 10:00 PM. Come out and meet or visit with your neighbors. This is our 4th year celebrating the Christmas Season together and we hope everyone will join in some way.

This year we are assembling a group of “ Christmas Carolers” to call at some of our Glenmere neighbors’ houses. Please bring your mittens, scarves, hats, smiles and join in!

Want to help? Here is what we need:

1. Come and fill bags with sand and candles starting at 4:00 PM(4021 Glenmere)
2. Set bags out (400 to 500 bags)
3. Light candles (we need adults only to bring a butane lighter to light candles)
4. Come out and visit with your neighbors!
5. Help pick up luminary bags at 10:00 PM and put them in trash bags.
6. Contact us with questions or suggestions!

*****Special notice******
We are again requesting that the city suck up leaves on the median strip before the 20th. If you can rake leaves to the median curb near your house - it will ensure a better clean up.

Tom and Beth White

Lakewood Neighborhood Watch Group Meeting

From Lakewood Neighborhood Watch Group Meeting

Come out and hear what is happening in your neighborhood - meet your neighbors.

The Mission of the Lakewood Neighborhood Group is to communicate information and news to Lakewood residents. With a focus on safety, we seek current news from our police, fire and other city departments. We welcome reports from our city, state and county officials. We want neighbors to get to know each other and have a sense of community which will improve the quality of life in Lakewood.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Beth White Announces Candidacy For NLR Alderman - Ward 1

From Family

Beth White has announced her intention to run for Ward 1 Alderman of the North Little Rock City Council. She is a civic leader who serves a number of community groups. Her energy investment touches a wide spectrum of North Little Rock needs. Some of her accomplishments include:

"Friends of the Old Mill" Board Member
"Keep North Little Rock Beautiful" Team Leader (2006)

While sharing leadership and negotiation skills she has provided hours to varied commitments such as:

*Lakewood Neighborhood (Watch) Group (started in 2005)
*Neighborhood National Night Out Street Co-Coordinator
*Senior Adult Program Coordinator
*Food-bank volunteer
*NLR Citizen Police Academy alumnus
*Adoption of NLR Ordinance #7673 (2004)
*Therapy dog handler

White’s commitment to North Little Rock’s future through our youth is demonstrated by her actions. Her "hands on" approach has already delivered benefits in the following areas:

*in the NLR Schools
*Mentoring in Inner-city Mentor Program
*Developing three new Head Start sites
*Directing Head Start with Family Literacy program

"Accessibility and accountability to the community are my trademarks. I support initiatives that enhance public safety, strengthen neighborhoods, and advance education. We must adapt the priorities of North Little Rock to changing economic pressures." White said in a news release.

Beth White and her husband Tom have three grown children and one grandson.

Please send your contribution to:

Beth White for NLR Ward 1
PO Box 94963
North Little Rock, AR 72190

Thursday, August 14, 2008

National Night Out - 2006

National Night Out - 2006

National Night Out

WHERE: Glenmere Rd
(Both ‘sides’ of the median!)

WHEN: Tuesday, August 1st
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

WHO: You and your family!
We are celebrating National Night Out, with an evening of neighborly fun (eat, walk, and talk!)

The purpose of National Night out is to heighten community awareness and to strengthen participation in local anticrime efforts. We on Glenmere support this goal, and also want to encourage neighbors to get together.

Do you want to participate by providing a special food treat to share with your neighbors? If so, please contact Beth White.

Last year 8 families served refreshments in their front yards such as homemade ice cream, watermelon, hotdogs, cookies, candy, lemonade, popsicles and soft drinks. We would love to have more families participating in the 2006 National Night Out.

Monday, July 28, 2008

My new Site

Hello all!

I've just set up my site here on, to post news and happenings in my campaign for North Little Rock Alderman, Ward 1. Stay tuned, as I'll be updating this shortly!
